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TNWG Published Wine Articles
The Northern Wine Guy is always looking to learn and educate others. The wine world is an ever evolving landscape. Below are just some of the published recent pieces written by The Northern Wine Guy for you as the reader, to enjoy!

Of all the major changes made by the global wine industry in the last 20 to 25 years the emergence of a serious and sustained fine wine investment market has to be one of the most significant. It has, as a result, seen the emergence of a number of fine wine brokers, investment firms and exchanges all focused on the ups and downs of the fine wine market. But the industry is still, in relative terms, in its early days with huge scope to grow, develop and become even more professional and respected. Here finance expert and fine wine investor, Andrew Lofthouse, talks to leading players across the fine wine investment sector to assess what it is doing right and where it needs to improve if the overall fine wine market is to achieve its potential and continue to grow both in size and reputation.
Ben Harvey and Paul Bartram's aim is simple - bring to the fore, small predominantly family owned and run vineyards and put them on the dining room table of UK consumers.' It's also the top line business strategy of Australian Vintners, a new UK wine importer specialising in all things Australian. Providing they are good to drink. Andrew Lofthouse, aka The Northern Wine Guy, sits down with them to get their full Aussie vision.

Trade Shows: Why Size Does Matter...
As wineries prepare to put their 2025 marketing budgets to bed, which wine shows to exhibit at is a question on everyone’s mind. Andrew Lofthouse, who is soon to embark on his first winemaking venture, considers whether being part of the international wine trade show circuit will ever be a game he can afford to play.